How Vita monitors, evaluates and protects against fatigue
Using a holistic and scientifically validated approach, Vita assesses individual fatigue within minutes. The Vita app transforms an operative's mobile device into a tool for measuring resting physiology, cognitive function, and mental clarity,
After monitoring, our sophisticated algorithms provide real-time feedback and alerts to operatives and managers about their readiness to work. These algorithms are developed alongside world-leading experts in the fields of fatigue and recovery.
Vita enables you to protect your workforce and increase productivity by offering data-driven insights and recommendations for optimising work schedules, rest periods, and fatigue mitigation strategies.
Vita for Operatives
Vita transforms each frontline worker's smartphone into a powerful measurement device, accurately assessing fatigue without the need for additional hardware. Using scientifically validated methods, the Vita app performs physiological, cognitive, and subjective tests to evaluate workers' readiness to work.
Vita for Managers
Using the Vita dashboard, managers gain precise visibility into workers' readiness to work. This enables them to make informed adjustments to daily operations, reducing the risk of accidents and boosting productivity in the short and medium term.
Spend a day with Vita
7:00 AM
Wake Up
Time for
Pre-work checkin
Open the Vita app and complete your morning check-in. Vita analyses your resting physiology and subjective readiness to work.
Daily log
Pre work
7:01 AM
Vita analyses your data
Ready, set,
get going
Check your daily Readiness Scores in the Vita App to clearly understand if you’re ready to get after it or if you should get back in bed.
7:30 AM
Vita daily briefing
the risk
Vita will provide an assessment of your workforce's readiness to work, identifying individuals who may be at risk and those who are well-prepared for the day ahead.
7:45 AM
Vita reccomendations
Time to optimise
With Vita, you can reassign and reschedule operatives to minimise risk levels and maximise productivity for the day.
5:00 PM
End of day
Tell us
about your day
Check in with Vita and let us know how your day has been. When you finish for the day, Vita goes to work - starting the prediction for your readiness to work tomorrow.
Daily log
Pre work
Post work
Let’s create the future we all want
Get in touch
Monitor fatigue. Protect your workforce’s lives and your bottom line.